122 Urban Cafe is a vibrant restaurant located at 122 W John Carpenter Fwy Ste 150, Irving, Texas. It offers a delightful culinary experience with its diverse cuisine types, including Delis, Barbeque, and Sandwiches. Whether you are craving a hearty BBQ feast or a satisfying sandwich, this cafe has it covered. The menu boasts a variety of mouthwatering options that cater to different tastes and preferences. From juicy grilled meats to flavorful deli specialties, there is something for everyone.
The atmosphere at 122 Urban Cafe is lively and welcoming, making it an excellent choice for lunch or dinner with friends, family, or colleagues. The service is attentive and friendly, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. Additionally, the cafe is conveniently located, making it easily accessible for those in the Irving area.
If you are looking for a satisfying meal with a range of culinary delights, visit 122 Urban Cafe and indulge in their delicious offerings.