Catfish City & BBQ Grill is a popular dining destination located at 1817 S University Ave, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72204. With its diverse cuisine offering Seafood, Southern, and Barbecue specialties, it is a treat for food enthusiasts.
The restaurant specializes in delicious, perfectly cooked catfish dishes, along with mouthwatering barbecued meats served with traditional Southern sides. Whether you're craving a seafood feast, classic Southern comfort food, or flavorful barbecued ribs, Catfish City & BBQ Grill has something to satisfy every palate.
The cozy and inviting atmosphere, coupled with warm and attentive service, creates a welcoming dining experience. The staff here goes above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.
If you're in the area and looking for a memorable culinary experience, Catfish City & BBQ Grill is a must-visit. Indulge in their delectable seafood, savor their Southern delicacies, and relish the flavors of their barbecue offerings.