Drei Kronen 1308

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On September 10, 2003 Dragonmead Microbrewery of Warren, Michigan released the first batch of a light German lager named Drei Kronen 1308. This beer is being brewed under contract w/ the Drei Kronen Brauerei in Strassgeich, Germany. In the year 1308, an age when knight fought against knight in armor, when King Ludwig IV ruled Bavaria, the Drei Kronen Brauerei was founded in the small city of Strassgiech, near the famous castle “Giechburg”. Legend has it that it was in honor of this celebrated monarch, ruler of three domains, that the brewery took its name: “Drei Kronen Brauerei” (Three Crowns Brewery). For centuries this brewery has been distinguished through its appointment as “Erbschänke” (hereditary brewery) w/ the rare & ancient right to serve its beer in special Royal tankards - to king & countrymen alike. Brauerei Drei Kronen is one of the oldest breweries in the world. Dating back to 1308, it is even older than those in Munich, Bavaria.
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14600 E 11 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48089
(586) 776-9428

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