Featured Dishes by The Food and Wine Hedonist in Ann Arbor, MI
The Food and Wine Hedonist
This is a list of dishes in Ann Arbor, MI, reviewed by The Food and Wine Hedonist
1. Korean Tacos
Seoul Street
1771 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
2. French Fries
Seoul Street
1771 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
3. Kimchee Fries
Seoul Street
1771 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
4. Prosciutto & Artichoke
Cafe Felix
204 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI
5. Prosciutto & Artichoke
Cafe Felix
204 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI
6. Bistro Salade
Cafe Felix
204 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI
7. Bistro Salade
Cafe Felix
204 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI