Featured Dishes by The Mango Lassie in New York, NY
The Mango Lassie
This is a list of dishes in New York, Brooklyn of New York, reviewed by The Mango Lassie
1. Chopped Liver
Mile End Delicatessen
97 Hoyt St, Brooklyn, NY
2. Smoked Meat
Mile End Delicatessen
97 Hoyt St, Brooklyn, NY
3. Chopped Liver
Mile End Delicatessen
97 Hoyt St, Brooklyn, NY
4. Smoked Meat
Mile End Delicatessen
97 Hoyt St, Brooklyn, NY
5. Mazorca De Maiz Estilo Cortadito
Cortadito Cuban Cuisine
210 E 3rd St, New York, NY
6. La Mulata
Caracas Arepa Bar
91 E 7th St, New York, NY
7. Reina Pepiada
Caracas Arepa Bar
91 E 7th St, New York, NY
8. Garlic Naan
Raj Mahal
322 E 6th St, New York, NY
9. Vegetable Vindaloo
Raj Mahal
322 E 6th St, New York, NY
10. Roasted Beets & Saba
Otto Enoteca Pizzeria
One Fifth Avenue At 8th St, New York, NY
11. Olive Oil
Otto Enoteca Pizzeria
One Fifth Avenue At 8th St, New York, NY
12. Eggplant Caponatina
Otto Enoteca Pizzeria
One Fifth Avenue At 8th St, New York, NY
13. Eggplant Caponatina
Otto Enoteca Pizzeria
One Fifth Avenue At 8th St, New York, NY
14. Roasted Beets & Saba
Otto Enoteca Pizzeria
One Fifth Avenue At 8th St, New York, NY
15. Olive Oil
Otto Enoteca Pizzeria
One Fifth Avenue At 8th St, New York, NY
16. French Fries
Corner Bistro
331 West 4th Street, New York, NY
17. Bistro Burger
Corner Bistro
331 West 4th Street, New York, NY
18. Cabot Clothbound Cheddar
Murrays Cheese Bar
264 Bleecker St, New York, NY
19. Cabot Clothbound Cheddar
Murrays Cheese Bar
264 Bleecker St, New York, NY
20. Cabot Clothbound Cheddar
Murrays Cheese Bar
264 Bleecker St, New York, NY