Seattle Center Armory is a vibrant and diverse food court located at 305 Harrison St in the heart of Seattle Center. With a wide range of cuisine types, it offers something for everyone's taste buds. From delicious burgers and fries to vegetarian and vegan options, this food court provides a variety of choices to satisfy any craving.
The Armory is a perfect place to enjoy a quick bite or have a leisurely meal with friends and family. With its spacious seating area and large windows, it creates a lively and inviting atmosphere. The friendly staff ensures excellent service, making your dining experience even more enjoyable.
Located in the bustling city of Seattle, the Armory is also conveniently close to many attractions and landmarks. Whether you are visiting the Space Needle or exploring nearby museums, this food court is a convenient stop for a satisfying meal. Don't miss out on the delicious options available at Seattle Center Armory during your visit to Seattle.